OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Isometric Style Configuration - Automatic Iso Splitting

In the Automatic Iso Splitting section, you have the option to define criteria to use when splitting an isometric into multiple sheets. You can also opt not to have the isometric split at all. The sheet naming format can be defined for the Isosheets as well as the Sheet Continuation Labels.
The split option group lists the possible options in which to split isometrics. Zero or more options can be selected. When multiple options are selected, the isometric processor attempts to split the isometric in the order in which they are listed in the dialog and defined below:
Iso Output Select whether to output Sheet Isometrics or Spool Isometrics.
Restart Numbering at 1 per sheet/spool Regardless if you are using Sheet Isometrics or Spool Isometrics, this section determines whether or not to restart the numbering at 1 for the criteria listed.

For example, if you choose not to restart numbering for a Part id then every similar elbow would have the same Part ID on all sheets.

Isometric Name Suffix An isometric name is a combination of the name of the intermediate file (as controlled through the schema) and a suffix expression (controlled by IsoExtractor). The suffix expression can contain references to drawing attributes.

Fields are available to define isometric names for both Sheet and Spool isometrics.

See the example below using the default sheet number value (-sht-$(SHEETNO)):
  • U100-S100-L1001-A1-OPM-iso-1-sht-1.dgn
  • U100-S100-L1001-A1-OPM-iso-1-sht-2.dgn

The same method is applied when defining spool isos by using the $(SPOOLNO) as the suffix.

When using the Split on Attribute option to split isos, you are able use the attribute as the suffix $(Notes).